Welcome To Med25 International Kenya

We Are The Best
  • Clinical consultations (24hrs OPD/IPD/Ambulance services)
  • Diagnostic laboratory
  • Pharmacy
  • Modern morgue facility (funeral home)
  • Community Health Volunteers Outreach Program


MED25 provides individuals in rural
African communities with quality,
subsidized, culturally & demographically
appropriate, and affordable health care,
focusing on “One Community at a Time”.
In accordance with Article 25 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
MED25 International strives to improve
the health of a community in need.


Passion; Excellence; Commitment;
Respect; Integrity. Our human staffing
compliment is driven with the Passion to
meticulously perform their duties with
professionalism and excellence through
Commitment to their duty and Respect
for their patients.

Outpatient Care

Experience compassionate and comprehensive outpatient care tailored to your unique health needs.

Maternity Services

Experience world-class maternity care in a nurturing environment.

Inpatient Care

Receive exceptional inpatient care with personalized treatment plans in a comfortable and supportive environment.